Fine-tuning on
Weights & Biases

Join the world-class AI teams training and fine-tuning large scale models on Weights & Biases and build your best AI.

The world’s leading ML teams trust Weights & Biases

Weights & Biases works with every fine-tuning framework and fine-tuning provider, whether you're fine-tuning LLMs, diffusion models, or even multi-models:

The Hugging Face transformers and TRL libraries have a powerful integration to turn on experiment tracking.

See our Transformers documentation for how to get started.



     # 1. Define which wandb project to log to

# 2. turn on model checkpointing
os.environ["WANDB_LOG_MODEL"] = "checkpoint" 

# 3. Add "wandb" in your `TrainingArguments`
args = TrainingArguments(..., report_to="wandb")

# 4. W&B logging will begin automatically when your start training your Trainer
trainer = Trainer(..., args=args)

# OR if using TRL, W&B logging will begin automatically when your start training your Trainer
trainer = SFTTrainer(..., args=args)

# Start training

Axolotl is built on the Hugging Face transformers Trainer, with a lot of additional modifications optimized for LLM fine-tuning. Pass the wandb arguments below to your config.yml file to turn on W&B logging. 


     # pass a project name to turn on W&B logging 
wandb_project: llama-4-fine-tune

# "checkpoint" to log model to wandb Artifacts every `save_steps` 
# or "end" to log only at the end of training
wandb_log_model: checkpoint

# Optional, your username or W&B Team name

# Optional, naming your W&B run

You can also use more advanced W&B settings by setting additional environment variables here.

Lightning is a powerful trainer that lets you get started training in only a few lines. See the W&B Lightning documentation and the Lightning documentation to get started. 

You can also use more advanced W&B settings by setting additional environment variables here


     import wandb

# 1. Start a W&B run
run = wandb.init(project="my_first_project")
# 2. Save model inputs and hyperparameters
config = wandb.config
config.learning_rate = 0.01
# 3. Log metrics to visualize performance over time
for i in range(10):
 run.log({"loss": loss})

You can also use more advanced W&B settings by setting additional environment variables here

MosaicML’s Composer library is a powerful, open source framework for training models and is what powers their LLM Foundry library. The Weights & Biases integration with Composer can be added to training with just a few lines of code.

See the MosaicML Composer documentation for more.


     from composer import Trainer
from composer.loggers import WandBLogger

# initialise the logger
wandb_logger = WandBLogger(
  log_artifacts=true,  # optional
 entity= <your W&B username or team name>,  # optional
 name= <set a name for your W&B run>,  # optional
 init_kwargs={"group": "high-bs-test"}   # optional

# pass the wandb_logger to the Trainer, logging will begin on training
trainer = Trainer(..., loggers=[wandb_logger])

You can also use more advanced W&B settings by passing additional parameters to the init_kwargs argument. You can also modify additional W&B settings via the environment variables here.

Hugging Face Diffusers is the go-to library for state-of-the-art pretrained diffusion models for generating images, audio, and even 3D structures of molecules.

With our diffusers autologger you can log your generations from a diffusers pipeline to Weights & Biases in just 1 line of code.



     # import the autolog function
from wandb.integration.diffusers import autolog

# call the W&B autologger before calling the pipeline

# Initialize the diffusion pipeline
pipeline = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(

# call the pipeline to generate the images
images = pipeline("a photograph of a dragon")

OpenAI fine-tuning for GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 is powerful, and with the Weights & Biases integration you can keep track of every experiment, every result and every dataset version used.

See our OpenAI Fine-Tuning documentation for how to get started.



     from wandb.integration.openai import WandbLogger 

# call your OpenAI fine-tuning code here ...

# call .sync to log the results from the fine-tuning job to W&B
WandbLogger.sync(id=openai_fine_tune_job_id, project="My-OpenAI-Fine-Tune")

MosaicML offer fast and efficient fine-tuning and inference, and with the Weights & Biases integration you can keep track of every experiment, every result and every dataset version used.

See the MosaicML Fine-Tuning documentation for how to turn on W&B logging.


Add the following to your YAML config file to turn on W&B logging:

  - integration_type: wandb

    # Weights and Biases project name
    project: llama-4-fine-tuning

    # The username or team name the Weights and Biases project belongs to
    entity: < your W&B username or team name >
 offer fast and efficient fine-tuning and inference for the latest open source models, and with the Weights & Biases integration you can keep track of every experiment!

See the Fine-Tuning documentation for how to get started with fine-tuning.


     # CLI
together finetune create .... --wandb-api-key $WANDB_API_KEY

# Python
import together

resp = together.Finetune.create(..., wandb_api_key = '1a2b3c4d5e.......')

If using the command line interface, pass your W&B API key to the wandb-api-key argument to turn on W&B logging. If using the python library, you can pass your W&B API key to the wandb_api_key parameter:

The Hugging Face AutoTrain library offers LLM fine-tuning. By passing the --report-to wandb argument you can turn on W&B logging.


     # CLI
autotrain llm ... --report-to wandb

OpenAI fine-tuning for GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 is powerful, and with the Weights & Biases integration you can keep track of every experiment, every result and every dataset version used.

See our OpenAI Fine-Tuning documentation for how to get started.



     from wandb.integration.openai import WandbLogger 

# call your OpenAI fine-tuning code here ...

# call .sync to log the results from the fine-tuning job to W&B
WandbLogger.sync(id=openai_fine_tune_job_id, project="My-OpenAI-Fine-Tune")

Learn how to fine-tune an LLM in our free LLM course

 In this free course you will explore the architecture, training techniques, and fine-tuning methods for creating powerful LLMs. Gain theory and hands-on experience from Jonathan Frankle (MosaicML), and other industry leaders, and learn cutting-edge techniques like LoRA and RLHF.

Learn how to fine-tune an LLM with HuggingFace

This interactive Weights & Biases report walks you through how to fine-tune an LLM with HuggingFace Trainer, walking through a few popular methods like LoRA and model freezing. 

Trusted by the teams building state-of-the-art LLMs

Samuel Weinbach

VP of Technology

“W&B gives us a concise look at all projects. We can compare runs, aggregate them all in one place, and intuitively decide what works well and what to try next.”

Peter Welinder
VP of Product- OpenAI
“We use W&B for pretty much all of our model training.”
Ellie Evans
Product Manager- Cohere
“W&B lets us examine all of our candidate models at once. This is vital for understanding which model will work best for each customer. Reports have [also] been great for us. They allow us to seamlessly communicate nuanced technical information in a way that’s digestible for non-technical teams.”

See Weights & Biases in action

The Weights & Biases platform helps you streamline your workflow from end to end



Track and visualize your ML experiments


Optimize your hyperparameters


Publish and share your ML models and datasets


Trigger workflows automatically


Package and run your ML workflow jobs



Explore and
debug LLMs


Rigorous evaluations of GenAI applications



Version and manage your ML pipelines


Visualize and explore your ML data


Document and share your ML insights

The best machine learning teams in the world use Weights & Biases. Let us know how we can help you get started.